Saturday, June 16, 2007

assignment #8(A)

But the bad dreams were rare, rarer all time, and when he had them at all now they were in the nature of fond memories of his first months alone in the bush, or even full-blown humor: the skunk that had moved in with him and kept the bear away; how Brian had eaten too many gut berries, which he'd later found were really called chokecherries(a great name, he thought); a chickadee that had once landed on his knee to take food from his hand. (p2)

I think this is a compoun-complex sentence because it has the cordinator" but" in independent clause ( but the.....all time) and five dependent clauses. How do you think?

1 comment:

euphrasie said...

I don’t think we should determine the category to which a sentence belongs by analyzing where the “but” is; beside, the “but” you are referring to introduces the very first dependent clause not an independent clause as you mentioned. This sentence is complex sentence with six dependent clauses and one independent clause which is “they were in the nature of fond memories of his first months in the bush”.